1.Mr Koizumi, after his meeting with the Russian leader, told reporters a wide gap remains between the two countries on the matter.
2.The Russian leader also said he agreed with his Syrian counterpart that the United States could play a more active role.
3.But NATO's agreement to sign up to much of America's plans for missile defence in Europe was a blow for the Russian leader.
4.Litvinenko, a fierce critic of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, left bitter words for him from his deathbed.
5.Mr Medvedev is the first Russian leader since the tsars to have come from neither the security services nor the old Communist Party.
6.But as he sat down with the Russian leader for the first time, President Obama sounded optimistic.
7.The Russian leader said having such a potential is not a violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
8.The Russian leader says they discussed the matter at length, and face-to-face.
9.Maybe it was this image of the Russian leader cuddling with a puppy that swayed the award committee?
10.He notes that President Putin's decision to step aside is unprecedented for a Russian leader, but consistent with the constitution.